REL 590 Capstone Seminar in Social Theory in Religious Studies

Capstone Seminar in Social Theory in Religious Studies

In this culmination class experience, normally enrolled in final Spring semester, students will present their ongoing original thesis research for the purposes of soliciting feedback from the instructor and classmates. In light of the feedback, students will respond and revise their work. Having begun the degree with two common foundations courses (one on social theory and one on public humanities digital skills), students in this course will integrate and apply the skills learned throughout the degree.

Prerequisite(s):None, except admission to degree program

Religion in Culture, MA



Taking the Department's motto seriously -- studying religion in culture -- this MA degree explores cross-disciplinary social theory and applies it to the study of religion, seeing each site studied as a test case in identity formation. Unlike other graduate programs in the study of religion, the MA in Religion in Culture at The University of Alabama presses beyond mere description and cross-cultural comparison, instead using social theory to understand the effects that narratives, practices, classification systems, and institutional structures have on social groups and their members. The degree program maintains this approach with a combination of analytic tools and digital skills, training students to use innovative technologies so as to communicate their findings effectively to wide audiences.

Physics, MS



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